Submit Data with Online Form

This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and submitting a dataset to ESS-DIVE.

General Information

Preferred Browsers

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Safari

  • May have some issues with Internet Explorer

IMPORTANT: The following instructions assume you have been given access to upload by an ESS-DIVE admin. If you are logging in for the first time, see documentation on how to setup your account to get access to upload.

Accessing the Data Submission Web Form is a test ESS-DIVE system where you can play around with the upload process. Any data that you saved in the test system is temporary, and will not be preserved in ESS-DIVE.

Clicking on either of these links will take you to a sign in screen where you can use your ORCID credentials to sign in (Figure 1).

Troubleshooting login issues

If you are having issues logging in to ESS-DIVE, please review our login troubleshooting tips. Contact if problems persist.

Alternatively, if you are on the home page (Figure 2), click on the “Sign in with Orcid” button in the top right corner.

Once you click on the “Sign in with ORCID” button, the system will redirect you to a login screen (Figure 3). Login with your ORCID credentials. You can also link your ORCID with your institutional account if you prefer to login that way. If you do not have an ORCID account, visit Creating an ORCID.

Instructions to Create a New Dataset

  1. Once you are logged in, click on the green “Submit Data” button next to the “Sign in” button. If the button is disabled, it means your email address needs to be added to your profile found "My Settings." See the Account Settings documentation.

  2. Add your files in the top section to start your dataset submission.

  3. Enter all the fields in the various tabs (Figure 4). You only need to fill in required fields (marked with a *) to submit a record, but we recommend that you fill as many of the fields as possible so users can more easily locate your dataset, and understand what it contains.

To review the expectations for content in sections 1-5, refer to our Package Level Metadata Guide.

1. Overview

2. People

3. Dates

4. Locations

5. Methods

Submitting the Dataset

When complete, hit the submit button at the bottom of your screen (Figure 10). This will save the record as a private dataset. Notify when you are done with your submission.


If your submission is successful, you will see a confirmation message (Figure 11). If you run into any problems, send an email to, with the error message you received. Click on the View Button, and verify that your dataset details are entered correctly (Figure 12).

Instructions to Edit an Existing Dataset

Click on the Edit Button, on your dataset View (Figure 12). This will take you to the form where you previously entered your metadata and uploaded data files.

Instructions to Publish

Publishing your data will make your dataset publicly available on the ESS-DIVE main portal for search and download. The dataset will be published with an existing DOI if you supplied one, or will be issued a new DOI through ESS-DIVE.

Verify that your dataset details are entered correctly before you are ready to publish (Figure 14).

Additional changes can be made by hitting the Edit button again. When you are ready, click on the Publish button. This will bring up a confirmation window (Figure 15). Click OK if you are ready to publish.

You will receive a confirmation message (Figure 16) and your dataset will be put into a publication queue. An ESS-DIVE admin will be in touch with you about publishing your dataset.

Last updated