Register Dataset Citations
You can now manually register your dataset citations in ESS-DIVE and improve your dataset metrics. Read this page to learn how to register your dataset citations.
Dataset Metrics
ESS-DIVE provides metric visualizations for all archived datasets through our search and discovery platform. Our metrics include live counts of dataset views, downloads, and citations, as well as reports on the total quantity of data and data types stored on ESS-DIVE; these reports can be viewed at In addition to this, ESS-DIVE's metrics are counted and reported on an individual dataset level and can be accessed via any dataset landing page.
These metrics are automatically collected when possible. However, in the case of dataset citations, you can also manually add citations for any papers that you know have cited your dataset and were not automatically reported.
Why Register Citations?
Academic journals do not always report data citations referenced in paper publications. Without this information, ESS-DIVE's metrics service cannot pick up these citations and this creates an incomplete citation report on ESS-DIVE. The citation registration feature provides a mechanism for researchers to directly register dataset citations and and improve their citation metrics on ESS-DIVE.
Types of Citation
When registering citations for ESS-DIVE datasets, you will find two possible options to choose from. These options are described in Table 1 and the following section, How to Register Citations, instructs when to use these citation types.
Publication cites this dataset
The publication ideally cites the dataset in the reference section of the paper. Or, the dataset is explicitly identified or linked to somewhere in the text.
Publication uses this dataset
The publication uses the dataset, but does not formally cite it.
Table 1: A list of the available dataset citation types and their definitions
Best practice when citing datasets is to provide a full citation, including the DOI, in your publication references.
How To Register Citations
You can register dataset citations directly from the dataset landing page.
Login to ESS-DIVE. Only registered data contributors can register citations, make sure you are logged in and registered before attempting to register a citation.
Open the dataset and select the "Citations" button underneath the dataset title to open the citations window (Figure 1).
If there are already citations associated with this dataset, they will be listed here. Select the "Register Citation" button (Figure 2).
Enter the DOI of the publication that cites the dataset.
Select the type of citation used in the publication (Figure 3); Table 1 provides a description of the available citation types.
Click "Register" to finish registering this dataset citation.
Please allow 24 hours for your manual registration to show up in your dataset metrics.
Last updated