Project Information
Project Data Managers can these pages to review and update project metadata as needed.
Approved project data managers will gain access to additional pages on ESS-DIVE that are used to view and update project information. Use these pages to see which projects you have approval to manage, review information ESS-DIVE stores about your project, and correct information that may be out of date.
These pages are accessible only to project PIs, co-PIs, and other project data managers.
View My Projects
The My Projects page lists all the projects that you have been assigned to as a project data manager. Access this page by selecting "Projects" from the top-level navigation bar, and you will then see the "All Projects", and "My Projects" tabs (Figure 1).
If you are a PI or project data manager and do not see one of your projects listed, please contact ESS-DIVE at This means you have not been assigned as project data manager for one of your projects.
Project Information page
The Project Information page is used for reviewing important metadata about your project that ESS-DIVE tracks (Figure 2). Use this page to review who the data managers are for your project.
Project PIs, co-PIs, or data managers can update the information on this page at any time by contacting ESS-DIVE at
My Teams page
This is how you access the teams feature. See our Project Teams documentation to learn more about the My Teams page.
Last updated