Download Data
Public data files on ESS-DIVE can be accessed by anyone through unique dataset landing pages, where they are accompanied by relevant metadata. There is no login requirement to download data.
Viewing Dataset Metadata
Once you have found a dataset using the search capabilities of the main data portal, click on the dataset title. This will bring up the dataset landing page, which is a page with the dataset citation at the top, a list of included data files, and accompanying metadata fields (Figure 1). Metadata provides important information about the purpose for and collection of the data included and helps to support data reuse. Scroll below the files section to view the metadata fields for the dataset.
Below are the metadata fields available on each ESS-DIVE landing page and their descriptions. Only fields that have been completed by the data contributor will appear on the landing page. For more information about the metadata fields required by ESS-DIVE, please visit our Package Level Metadata Guide.
Identifier/Alternate Identifiers: Identifiers in ESS-DIVE or other systems for this dataset (includes the DOI if applicable)
Abstract: Brief description of the dataset
Keywords and variables: Categorical Keywords that indicate the general themes of this dataset, and data variables associated with the package
Publication Date: Date this package was published
Data Table, Image and Other Data Details: The details about the files uploaded, including files sources and derivations
People and Associated Parties: Creators, Contact, Contributors, and related Funding agencies.
Geographic Region: Information about where the data were collected, along with a map view
Temporal Coverage: Date period the data spans
Project Information: Information about the DOE project the data is associated with
Methods: Methods that were used to produce the data, including processing, QA/QC, site information etc.
Usage Rights: The usage rights under which this dataset is released. Anyone using the data must comply with the usage rights specified on the package.
Downloading Data Files
Data files are displayed in a table at the top of the dataset landing page, below the citation (Figure 2). Here you can view the name, file type, and size of each datafile and select which ones you would like to download. Alternatively, you can use the "Download All" button to download all files as a single zip file.
Last updated