This page provides coding examples for retrieving a list of submitted dataset and submitting dataset metadata for validation using Java
While learning the expected schema for the metadata use, as this is the domain shown in the examples in this documentation. Once you've familiarized yourself with ESS-DIVE's metadata and dataset schema, use our production domain to submit datasets to ESS-DIVE for publishing and review.
To be able to do the setup correctly, you need a few prerequisites installed on your machine which are unzip, java, javac and curl.
Inside your project directory create a java file named and a directory lib. The following are the Linux commands to create the file and directory:
touch essdive.javamkdir libcd lib
Add http client, http core and commons logging from Apache HTTPComponents libraries version 4.5.6 and json_simple-1.1 into your lib directory by downloading its zip file, extracting it and moving it inside lib.
Open document created earlier using any text editor and add the following code to start importing the libraries needed for your java code:
Now fill the details about the “provider”. This is the details about the project. The project will be listed as the publisher in the citation.
// JSON_LD member assignmentmember.put("@id","");member.put("givenName","Paul J");member.put("familyName","Hanson");member.put("email","");member.put("jobTitle","Principal Investigator");// JSON_LD provider spruce assignmentprovider_spruce_json.put("name","SPRUCE");provider_spruce_json.put("member",member);
Prepare the dataset authors in the order that you would like them to appear in the citation. Please add the ORCID for all authors, especially the first author, if possible.
// JSON_LD primary creator assignmentprimary_Creator.put("@id","");primary_Creator.put("givenName","Paul J");primary_Creator.put("familyName","Hanson");primary_Creator.put("affiliation","Oak Ridge National Laboratory");primary_Creator.put("email","");// JSON_LD secondary creator assignmentsecondary_Creator.put("givenName","Jeffrey");secondary_Creator.put("familyName","Riggs");secondary_Creator.put("affiliation","Oak Ridge National Laboratory");// Define as many creators as you need into newer JSON Objects and add them to the creators_json_arraycreators_json.add(primary_Creator);creators_json.add(secondary_Creator);
Initialize JSON_LD strings
variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS > WIND SPEED");variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS > WIND DIRECTION");variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > BIOSPHERE > VEGETATION > PHOTOSYNTHETICALLY ACTIVE RADIATION");variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > NET RADIATION");variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SURFACE RADIATIVE PROPERTIES > ALBEDO");variableMeasured.add("EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > SOIL TEMPERATURE");variableMeasured.add("Precipitation (Total)");variableMeasured.add("Irradiance");variableMeasured.add("Groundwater Temperature");variableMeasured.add("Groundwater Level");variableMeasured.add("Volumetric Water Content");variableMeasured.add("surface_albedo"); measurementTechnique.add("The stations are equipped with standard sensors for measuring meteorological parameters, solar radiation, soil temperature and moisture, and groundwater temperature and elevation. Note that some sensor locations are relative to nearby vegetation and bog microtopographic features (i.e., hollows and hummocks). See Table 1 in the attached pdf (SPRUCE_EM_DATA_2010_2016_20170620) for a list of measurements and further details. Sensors and data loggers were initially installed and became operational in June, July, and August of 2010. Additional sensors were added in September 2011. Station 3 was removed from service on May 12, 2014.");
measurementTechnique.add("These data are considered at Quality Level 1. Level 1 indicates an internally consistent data product that has been subjected to quality checks and data management procedures. Established calibration procedures were followed.");
JSON_LD_Description.add("This data set reports selected ambient environmental monitoring data from the S1 bog in Minnesota for the period June 2010 through December 2016. Measurements of the environmental conditions at these stations will serve as a pre-treatment baseline for experimental treatments and provide driver data for future modeling activities.");
JSON_LD_Description.add("The site is the S1 bog, a Picea mariana [black spruce] - Sphagnum spp. bog forest in northern Minnesota, 40 km north of Grand Rapids, in the USDA Forest Service Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF). There are/were three monitoring sites located in the bog: Stations 1 and 2 are co-located at the southern end of the bog and Station 3 is located north central and adjacent to an existing U.S. Forest Service monitoring well.");
JSON_LD_Description.add("There are eight data files with selected results of ambient environmental monitoring in the S1 bog for the period June 2010 through December 2016. One file has the ");
JSON_LD_Description.add("other seven have the available data for a given calendar year. Not all measurements started in June 2010 and EM3 measurements ended in May 2014.");
JSON_LD_Description.add("Further details about the data package are in the attached pdf file (SPRUCE_EM_DATA_2010_2016_20170620).");
keywords.add("EARTH SCIENCE > BIOSPHERE > VEGETATION");keywords.add("Climate Change");
Add nested information in JSON_objects.
// JSON_LD spatial coverage assignment spatial_coverage_json.put("description","Site ID: S1 Bog Site name: S1 Bog, Marcell Experimental Forest Description: The site is the 8.1-ha S1 bog, a Picea mariana [black spruce] - Sphagnum spp. ombrotrophic bog forest in northern Minnesota, 40 km north of Grand Rapids, in the USDA Forest Service Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF). The S1 bog was harvested in successive strip cuts in 1969 and 1974 and the cut areas were allowed to naturally regenerate. Stations 1 and 2 are located in a 1974 strip that is characterized by a medium density of 3-5 meter black spruce and larch trees with an open canopy. The area was suitable for siting a monitoring station for representative meteorological conditions on the S1 bog. Station 3 is located in a 1969 harvest strip that is characterized by a higher density of 3-5 meter black spruce and larch trees with a generally closed canopy. Measurements at this station represent conditions in the surrounding stand. Site Photographs are in the attached document");
spatial_coverage_json.put("geo", geo);spatial_coverage_array.add(spatial_coverage_json);// JSON_LD funder assignmentfunder.put("@id","");funder.put("name","U.S. DOE > Office of Science > Biological and Environmental Research (BER)");// JSON_LD temporalCoverage assignmenttemporalCoverage.put("startDate","2010-07-16");temporalCoverage.put("endDate","2016-12-31");// JSON_LD editor assignmenteditor.put("@id","");editor.put("givenName","Paul J");editor.put("familyName","Hanson");editor.put("email","");// JSON_LD geo variables assignmentsgeo_northwest.put("name","Northwest");geo_northwest.put("latitude",47.50285);geo_northwest.put("longitude",-93.48283);geo_southeast.put("name","Southeast");geo_southeast.put("latitude",47.50285);geo_southeast.put("longitude",-93.48283);geo.add(geo_northwest);geo.add(geo_southeast);
Create the rest of the JSON-LD object
// Main JSON_LDJSON_LD.put("@context","");JSON_LD.put("@type","Dataset");JSON_LD.put("@id","");JSON_LD.put("name","SPRUCE S1 Bog Environmental Monitoring Data: 2010-2016");JSON_LD.put("description",JSON_LD_Description);JSON_LD.put("creator",creators_json);JSON_LD.put("datePublished","2015");JSON_LD.put("keywords",keywords);JSON_LD.put("variableMeasured",variableMeasured);JSON_LD.put("license","");JSON_LD.put("spatialCoverage",spatial_coverage_array);JSON_LD.put("funder",funder);JSON_LD.put("temporalCoverage",temporalCoverage);JSON_LD.put("editor",editor);JSON_LD.put("provider", provider_spruce_json);JSON_LD.put("measurementTechnique",measurementTechnique);
Metadata Only
Submit the JSON-LD object with the Dataset API
try{String url = base + endpoint;HttpPost request =newHttpPost(url);StringEntity params =newStringEntity(JSON_LD.toString()); //Setting the JSON-LD Object to the request paramsrequest.addHeader("content-type","application/json");request.addHeader("Authorization", header_authorization);request.setEntity(params);HttpResponse response; response =httpClient.execute(request);HttpEntity entity =response.getEntity();String responseString =EntityUtils.toString(entity,"UTF-8");if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() ==201){System.out.println(response.toString());System.out.println(responseString); } else {System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());System.out.println(responseString); } } catch (Exception ex) {System.out.print(ex.getMessage().toString()); }
Metadata and Data
Submit the JSON-LD object and upload files with the Dataset API:
Anyone can search for public datasets on ESS-DIVE using the Dataset API. If you are registered to submit data, you can also search for your private datasets. Query your dataset searches by defining parameters.
Limited dataset metadata are returned in the response of this call. Additionally, this call cannot be used to download data files. To look up all dataset metadata and download data files, use the API to Download Dataset Metadata.
The following lines of code will get the list of dataset metadata that you have permissions to edit. This will return the most recent 25 records. If the results contain more than 25 packages, use the row_start and page_size query parameters to page through the results.
try{String url = base + endpoint;HttpGet request =newHttpGet(url);StringEntity params =newStringEntity(JSON_LD.toString()); //Setting the JSON-LD Object to the request paramsrequest.addHeader("content-type","application/json");request.addHeader("Authorization", header_authorization);HttpResponse response; response =httpClient.execute(request);HttpEntity entity =response.getEntity();String responseString =EntityUtils.toString(entity,"UTF-8");if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() ==200){System.out.println(response.toString());System.out.println(responseString); } else {System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());System.out.println(response.toString());System.out.println(responseString); } } catch (Exception ex) {System.out.print(ex.getMessage().toString()); }
Download Dataset Metadata
Anyone can search for individual public datasets on ESS-DIVE using the Dataset API. If you are registered to submit data, you can also download your private dataset metadata.
The response for this call will return all dataset metadata and attached data files. Metadata and data files can then be downloaded. If you'd like to look up the dataset upload date, last modified date, or dataset access status, use the API to Search for Datasets.