Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Will you take my data?

ESS-DIVE is primarily intended to host DOE-sponsored environmental research data, and will take data from projects funded by the DOE Environmental Systems Science Program in the Office of Science. However, we would consider archiving certain datasets that are not funded by ESS, but are of high value to our projects and programs. We will expect that any external data submissions conform to the ESS-DIVE terms of use. Contact if you are interested in archiving such data with ESS-DIVE.

How do I create an account with ESS-DIVE to upload data?

Check out our New User Registration help documentation to get started with uploads.

I'm having trouble logging in with my ORCID.

If login is not working, please try one or all of our login troubleshooting tips. Contact if problems persist.

Search FAQ

Why can’t I see all the CDIAC data here?

ESS-DIVE is working on the transition of CDIAC data, and is hosting an interim version of the CDIAC website that provides access to the CDIAC data. If you have any questions about ESS-DIVE or the data transition, contact

The new archive for the CDIAC data will be ESS-DIVE, except in the specific cases mentioned below. The Oceanic Trace Gas data have been transitioned to the new Ocean Carbon Data System (OCADS) operated by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) at The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) data are being transitioned to Cal Tech at HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) data are transitioning to the NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory at

Will the CDIAC data be updated by ESS-DIVE beyond 2016?

ESS-DIVE will not be updating any data that are on the CDIAC website. Here are some links to check out for additional or new data.

International Energy Agency ( ) – provides global and national (~ 140 countries) estimates including estimates by sector (e.g., residential, electricity generation).

Jos Oliver/Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) – provides emissions estimates for several atmospheric species including carbon dioxide including global and national time series and gridded (0.1 x 0.1) estimates.

US Environmental Protection Agency ( ) – provides detailed emission estimates including sectoral estimates for the United States.

Global Emission Inventory Activity (GEIA, ) – provides gridded emissions estimates for many atmospheric species including carbon dioxide.

Tom Oda (NASA/GSFC)/ ODIAC ( - Odiac (Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2) is a global high-resolution emission dataset for fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, initially developed by the Japanese Greenhouse gas Observing SATellite (GOSAT) project. Odiac emissions are based on CDIAC estimates and create spatial and temporal distributions using various proxy data such as satellite-observed nighttime lights and power plant profiles.

Why can’t I see the data I uploaded in the dataset listing?

Check if you are logged in. If you haven’t Published your dataset, it will only be visible privately to you once you are logged in

Upload FAQ

What is a good dataset?

To see an example of a good dataset, visit this package on ESS-DIVE. If you would like to reference other datasets that have been reviewed and published by the ESS-DIVE Team, visit and explore the list of published datasets.

What metadata do you need to submit a dataset?

We need metadata about what the dataset is about (e.g. title, description, keywords, funding), its association to a DOE project, and author information. Check out this page to preview the submission form to get a sense of the types of metadata a dataset needs.

To understand ESS-DIVE's expectations for metadata content, see our Package Level Metadata Guide for details.

What if I want to practice uploading data first?

Please visit to test the ESS-DIVE system and play around with the upload process. Any data that you save in the test system is temporary, and will not be preserved in ESS-DIVE. You do not need to request permission to upload data to ESS-DIVE before using sandbox.

What happens after I submit the data?

The dataset will be entered into the ESS-DIVE system, and will only be visible to you privately until you Publish the data. You can continue to Edit the record after you submit.

What happens after I publish the data?

An ESS-DIVE admin will review the record and respond to you by email. The record will not be published until you respond to the email from the ESS-DIVE admin. If you specified an existing DOI, we will publish the data with the same DOI, otherwise the record will be published with a new DOI.

What if my data upload is failing?

Uploading large amounts of data can be really difficult on home internet connections. We recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Upload files one at a time and save after each upload is complete to ensure that the changes are properly saved.

  2. Go to your computer’s battery settings and turn off sleep mode. If your system goes to sleep in the middle of an upload it can stop the process and prevent the changes from saving.

Please contact should the upload issue persist.

Additionally, you may want to consider using Globus to workaround upload errors. Globus is a third-party data transfer tool that ESS-DIVE commonly uses to support large or difficult file uploads. Learn more on our Globus documentation page:

Globus Data Transfer Service

Last updated