Project Teams

Create project teams to leverage ESS-DIVE's evolving suite of project management features

Teams are groups of ESS-DIVE users, which can only be created by the project data managers.

Data contributors can now share datasets with teams, granting the team access to their project data.

Table of Contents

My Teams

The My Teams page (Figure 1) is used to view the teams you are a member of, create new teams, or manage your existing teams.

You can only view teams you are a member of. It is not possible to view all teams created within a project if you are not a member of every team.

Why create teams?

The primary motivation to create a team is to make it easier to share project datasets with groups of project members. A team will always have access to datasets (once they have been granted "manage" permission for the dataset(s)), even as people leave and join the project; you can simply update who is on the team, rather than updating each dataset permission individually.

You may be interested in creating teams if you have ever wanted to have groups of:

  • Data managers to oversee project dataset management, permissions, and publication

  • Collaborators who need to edit the same datasets together

  • Reviewers who need to view private datasets

Additionally, project data managers will not be added to a team by default; make sure to add your fellow data managers to your team.

How to Create Teams

Only project data managers can create teams. If you'd like to become a project data manager, reach out to your project's PI and request that they add you; see the Project Data Manager section for more information.

The following instructions detail how to create and add people to a team.

  1. Head to the My Teams page (Figure 1, above)

  2. Select "+Add Team" at the bottom of the page

  3. Enter a team name carefully, following the Rules for Naming Teams section below

  4. Add team members by searching for their first or last name or ORCID

    • If they have not logged in to ESS-DIVE, then you won't be able to find them

  5. Select "Create Team"

  6. To ensure that you successfully created your team, you can select the "View it now" button or return to the "My Teams" page

  7. Add at least one co-owner to your team, see the How to Manage Teams section below for details

Rules for Naming Teams

It is important to carefully choose your team name because teams cannot be renamed or deleted later. When you share a dataset with this team, you will have to look it up and select it from a dropdown list in which every team created by any ESS-DIVE project will appear as options. By making your team name unique and easy to understand, it will be easy for you and your project members to find your team.

  • Choose your team name wisely: Team names must be 50 characters or less and unique across DataONE. Teams cannot be renamed or deleted.

  • Use a common prefix for all project teams: Consider starting every team name with a reasonably unique and brief name or common short hand name for your project. This will enable easier search and lookup when sharing a dataset or portal with a team.

  • Use the access level or purpose as a suffix: Consider ending every team name with a suffix that illustrates what the group is for. We recommend using one of the sharing access levels (i.e. "project-name-view" or "project-name-edit") or other suitable terms such as "-admin", "data-managers", "-all", or "-reviewers". This will enable easier search and lookup when sharing a dataset or portal with a team.

  • Have one team for project data managers only: ESS-DIVE recommends having one team for your project's designated data managers only, and naming it accordingly (e.g. ess-dive-data-managers). If you add a new data manager to this team, make sure they are also on your list of project data managers.

How to Manage Teams

Manage your team by assigning co-owners and adding, or removing members. Team co-owners are people who can add or remove members from the team. By default, the person who created the team is a team owner.

We recommend adding at least 1 other co-owner to every team. This is a precaution in case the person who created the team leaves the project.

  • Changes to a team may take a few minutes to load. Please wait and reload the page if you do not see your team changes right away.

  • Remove team members by clicking the red "x" icon (Figures 2a and 2b).

  • Assign team owners by starring the names of people you have added to the team (Figures 2a and 2b).

  • Only project data managers can add or remove people from a team as a co-owner.

  • Un-assign team owners by clicking the gold star next to the team members name.

  • You cannot remove yourself from any team. Ask another team owner to remove you.

  • The person who created the team cannot be removed from the team.

  • You can add anyone to a team who has logged into ESS-DIVE with their ORCID; their name won't show up if they haven't done this.

Share project data with teams

Now that you have your teams, what can you do? Encourage your project members to start sharing datasets or data portals with teams!

Data contributors can easily share their datasets with a group of people all at once, rather than share with one person at a time. As datasets get shared, teams will eventually have a list of datasets that team members can access (Figure 3). Project managers can then add or remove people from that team to manage who can access that list of datasets.

One benefit of sharing with teams is that you can change the team over time as people enter or leave the project.

Share Data Permissions

Teams provide a whole new way of sharing datasets. We recommend informing data contributors on your project about the project team(s) you created and ask them to share their datasets with any team(s) that you would like to have access to project datasets now and in the future.

Share Portals

Consider sharing your project portal with your team and work together to edit the portal. Or give your project team permission to view your portal before it's public to give them early access to the project's data collection.

Project managers and teams do not automatically have manage access to project datasets

How to share datasets with teams

When teams are created they do not have access to any ESS-DIVE datasets by default. To enable team access to datasets, data contributors will need to share their datasets with the team (Figure 4).

Data contributors who are sharing datasets will select which access level the team will receive; view, edit, or manage.

Sharing datasets with teams works the same as sharing with individuals! Simply lookup the team name in the sharing options window (Figure 4). See the Share Datasets documentation page for detailed instructions.

How to Share Portals with Teams

A project data portal will allow your team of project data managers to view all public and private project datasets in one place. See thee Create Data Portals documentation page to learn how to create a portal.

Do you want to give all project members the ability to view private datasets? You can share view permissions to your project portal with your team of project members to give everyone early access to see your project's data collection.

View Team Datasets

Project managers can use the team profile page to see exactly what datasets that team has access to.

How to find your team profile:

  1. Go to your My Teams page

  2. Scroll down to the team you're interested in and click on the hyperlinked team name

  3. You'll be directed to the team profile; it will list all datasets the team has access to along with some metrics about those datasets (Figure 5 and 6).

Frequently Asked Questions

Manage Teams

Why can't I see any teams on My Teams page?

If you cannot find a team on your My Teams page, you are not a member of any teams yet. Contact the other project data managers on your project and ask the one who created the team to add you.

Why can't I add someone to my team?

Having trouble finding an ESS-DIVE user to add to your team? Make sure that they have logged into ESS-DIVE with their ORCiD.

It is not possible to add someone to a team if they have not logged in to ESS-DIVE before

Sharing with Teams

I was told my team has edit access, but I can't edit any datasets; what's going on?

You must register to become a data contributor to edit datasets. It's not possible to edit a dataset without completing this step, even if a team has edit access.

Teams share permission levels to all team members, but it doesn't give you the ability to edit datasets.

Creating a team of dataset editors? Your team members will need to register as ESS-DIVE data contributors in order to be able to edit datasets.

It is not possible to edit a dataset without becoming a data contributor, even if you are in a team that has edit permission to a dataset.

Last updated